Get Answers Without Asking the Questions

Perhaps I should kickoff by defining the term ‘Elicitation’. Elicitation is a technique used to discretely gather information. It is a conversation with a specific purpose: collect information that is not readily available and do so without raising suspicion that specific facts are being sought. It is usually non-threatening, easy to disguise, deniable, and effective.

I’ve recently discovered that, asking questions is one of my favorite activities. When I was born, my first question was “why don’t you put me back in there?” this place is damn cold, so you can see how way back it goes, not that I asked that but am just putting it in perspective that I found myself curious. The way I ask my questions is by not asking them, this may sound like an oxymoron but let me throw more light on it, I don’t dominate most of the conversations I hold not because I can’t but mainly for the fact that I like giving people the opportunity to talk about themselves, in so doing they give me most of the answers without me having to go through the hustle of asking.

I understand some of you may have questions regarding how they know which answers to give minus the questions, now that’s the most interesting part because I decide which direction I want the conversation to head, all I do is start it in the dimension deemed appropriate.

Even when I hold a conversation with a 5 year old, I let them dominate. It is no doubt that you learn a lot when you are on the listening end than on the speaking one. Words will always retain their power, they offer means to meaning, that’s probably the reason why I don’t have to say much to justify my point. Anthony Nasasira says ‘It’s your ability to let them dominate that makes you dominant’.

Most people are likely to tell you more if you don’t ask them questions than when you do, there is a way people feel insecure when asked questions, they feel like they are being interrogated so they are more likely to give you straight answers which may not even be genuine. All you have to do is seem uninterested and keep directing the conversation to your advantage so that you can gain the best out of it. However, this might not work for you because we all have different approaches.

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